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Yoga studio is Open in Ayr Now!!


Updated: Mar 18, 2024

I am so excited to officially launch my yoga studio/wellness hub in Ayr Town Centre!

People have been asking me Why Ayr? Well I believe it was divine intervention and I have been guided here, many signs were pointing to Ayr, like the doors in the centre I have rented were painted teal green, same colour as my mats and bolsters, I saw a cheap flat around the corner from my workplace and put a bid in and won it the next day! Not only that I have always wanted to live by the sea (who doesn't love that wind) and very soon I will!

Also what can I say about the set up here, 4 offices conjoined to create something very special. I was also going to look at a place in Fife but they never got back to me so....? Anyway, the Ayr premises won my heart and everybody that comes here feels the same!

On the plus note its Ayr, its a beautiful place, with amazingly friendly people and I cannot wait to be living here full time!

Have a look at my social media pages to see what I have been up to and if you're feeling generous follow me along on this journey!

On Another Note

I am not leaving Airdrie clients hanging and will be holding a clinic in Airdrie to see all my clients there that I have been working with for a while (or clients who wish to return). I intend to hold an Airdrie clinic a few times per month in Airdrie at The Hive which is at 1 Wellwynd and is literally up the street 250 yards from my old office and I look forward to still seeing my clients here. If you want booked in let me know. (you can also book online or telephone sessions anytime if you wish).


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